What Is The Perfect Investment?

Have you ever wondered if there is such a thing as a perfect investment? If so, what qualities, traits, characteristics, properties, features or benefits would or should it provide? I sent out a questionnaire to over 400 families for their input. The responses were varied, but highlighted areas of concern for most families. Guaranteed Many […]
Finding The Right Company For Infinite Banking

Being an adult comes with making tough decisions. Tough decisions require you to elevate from between the primary choice of good and bad and into the tenacious decisions between better and best. Economic choice, such as how much more I prefer money in my pocket compared to spending my money, is a primary decision. […]
Why Real Estate Investors Need Infinite Banking Policies

Income properties and real estate are a very attractive source of income and wealth creation in many retirement plans. Countless Canadians intend to rely on the income and appreciation in a significant form in retirement. However, we are well aware that things don’t always go as plan and we use Infinite Banking policies as a […]
Why Use Whole Life Insurance for Infinite Banking?

Let me start by saying there are two types of people who buy life insurance: Those who need it, and those who use it. Those who need life insurance may view it as a annoying monthly expense but recognize that it is needed to protect their family from financial hardship if they die prematurely. It […]
Advantages of Whole Life and the Infinite Banking Concept

Go ahead … fall in love! There is a saying when it comes to investments, don’t fall in love with them. Just because a particular stock has done right by you in the past, does not necessarily mean it should be a permanent relationship. However, when it comes to the Infinite Banking Concept … I […]
Buy Term Insurance & Invest The Difference Or Buy Whole Life?

The answer is it depends. Let’s start with a simple explanation of each type. Term (T) life insurance is like renting a house. Whole Life (WL) is like owning a house. The initial premium for T is small compared to WL. How much smaller depends on how long you want to be covered. T is […]
What Is IBC and Why Should I Use It?

What is IBC? It is the Infinite Banking Concept that was pioneered by R Nelson Nash. It is a process that uses the product of a properly structured Participating Whole Life Insurance policy. Done right, it is a lifetime tool than can and should be used repeatedly and then will have a tax-free death benefit […]