Becoming Your Own Banker® Comes To Canada

 Transform Your Financial Future with Infinite Banking and Austrian Economics!

Conventional wisdom and education about money often overlook crucial information utilized by banks and the wealthy for generations. Many seek answers without realizing the depth of the problem. At IBCanada Group our mission is to equip you with the knowledge for a fundamental shift in your finances—to seize control by reclaiming the banking function.

Who We Are

The Infinite Banking Canada Group integrates Austrian Economic Theory to provide Canadians with a fresh perspective on managing finances through the Infinite Banking Concept.

Who We Are: Leading Independent Authorized IBC Practitioners in Canada. We specialize in educating Canadians on utilizing this tax-efficient financial strategy within the Canadian financial landscape, rules, and regulations.

About Us: Uncovering What Conventional Financial Education Misses. While conventional wisdom emphasizes saving accounts and retirement funds, it overlooks a critical resource essential for sustainable wealth management—Infinite Banking.

At IBCanada Group, our advisors comprehend the convergence of the Infinite Banking Concept and Austrian economics. This intersection underscores individual empowerment, decentralized decision-making, and the significance of comprehending the role of money and finance in economic life.

3 Main Principles Converge in Austrian Economics and the Infinite Banking Concept:

  1. Individual Empowerment: Austrian economics stresses individual decision-making based on subjective preferences and knowledge. Similarly, the Infinite Banking Concept encourages financial autonomy through whole life insurance policies.

  2. Decentralization: Austrian economists advocate against central planning, favoring individual control. Likewise, the Infinite Banking Concept promotes personal financial management over reliance on centralized institutions.

  3. Understanding Money and Finance: Austrian economists and the Infinite Banking Concept prioritize understanding monetary policies and financial mechanisms for informed decision-making and wealth accumulation.

Join us in reshaping your financial future with Infinite Banking and Austrian Economics expertise!”

Infinite Banking Practitioners

Some of our expert advisors at IBCanada Group

Would you like to start a converation?

Our Authorized IBC Practitioners are here to guide you every step of the way. By speaking with one of our experts, you’ll gain valuable insight into how IBC and Austrian Econmic Principles can help you grow your wealth in a safe and efficient manner.

We’ll show you how to leverage the value of whole life insurance, and how this concept can provide tax-free growth for your unique financial situation.

Fill out the form below and start your journey toward financial freedom!

Take a moment to fill out this quick form and we’ll reach out to you shortly.

Customers reviews

What people say?

Fast response to requests; well thought out opinions; keeps in touch; available; able to help me with severance pension pay-out; credible; keeps current with trends and products; publishes excellent e-mail newsletter; not “pushy”; friendly; professional.
Joe L.
Managing Director
I have been very satisfied over the years with your suggestions, advice and expert knowledge of your company services. When we have needed short-term loans the details were handled quickly and accurately and yes you may use my name as reference and may mark us as satisfied clients.
Russ L.
David, I am impressed with your knowledge of the products your company sells also the fact that after you explain them you do not force me to buy them with high pressure sales talk. I appreciate your practice of arranging an appointment convenient to me for our regular review. You arrive totally prepared and familiar with my file so that the time we send together is efficient and productive.
Jason B.
Managing Director
I have dealt with Dave Otto for over 10 years in the areas of group insurance, life insurance, disability insurance and financial planning. I have always found Dave to be very professional and knowledgeable. Dave is very accessible and does not to hesitate to seek third-party advice when required. I truly feel that Dave holds the needs of his clients above his own. I have no hesitation in recommending Dave to others.
Dolph B.

FREE eReport


You can’t control inflation, but you can beat it if you know how! Read this exclusive eReport on how Canadians are winning financially despite high inflation rates.

FREE eReport


You can’t control inflation, but you can beat it if you know how! Read this exclusive eReport on how Canadians are winning financially despite high inflation rates.