“If you don’t know you have a problem, how much time are you going to spend looking for a solution?”


Scott Cordier – Chairman, IBCanada Group

“If you don’t know you have a problem, how much time are you going to spend looking for a solution?”


Scott Cordier
IBCanada Group


why infinite banking?

infinite banking

Why is Infinite Banking becoming a household necessity? In the past, we did the same thing with our money as we told you to do with yours. We gained when you gained, and we lost when you lost.

The thing that separates us as IBC Practitioners is that we learned from the mistakes that affect all of us. We learned a better way, the Infinite Banking way. It became a moral obligation to share it with you.


why infinite banking?

Why is Infinite Banking becoming a household necessity? In the past, we did the same thing with our money as we told you to do with yours. We gained when you gained, and we lost when you lost.

The thing that separates us as IBC Practitioners is that we learned from the mistakes that affect all of us. We learned a better way, the Infinite Banking way. It became a moral obligation to share it with you.


why infinite banking?

Why is Infinite Banking becoming a household necessity? In the past, we did the same thing with our money as we told you to do with yours. We gained when you gained, and we lost when you lost.

The thing that separates us as IBC Practitioners is that we learned from the mistakes that affect all of us. We learned a better way, the Infinite Banking way. It became a moral obligation to share it with you.

the 4 key benefits of infinite banking

infinte banking concept

The Infinite Banking Concept did not create anything that did not already exist. The answer was always there, hiding in plain sight. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

the 4 key benefits of infinite banking

The Infinite Banking Concept did not create anything that did not already exist. The answer was always there, hiding in plain sight. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

the 4 key benefits of infinite banking


The Infinite Banking Concept did not create anything that did not already exist. The answer was always there, hiding in plain sight. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Eliminate Outside

Transfer outside debt to a policy you own and control.

Self-Finance Purchases

Use your Infinite Banking policy to finance your vehicles, home, investments, and more.

Tax-Free Passive Income

Collateralize your cash values for a 3rd party loan where the funds are received tax-free.

Death Benefit

All life insurance death benefits are tax-free in Canada.

how can we help you?

we can help

IBCG is unique, foundationally because of our independence as practitioners. We are a collaborative group of independent business owners! Not putting our business through a hierarchical system allows us to be in control and to do the best thing for our clients. As iron sharpens iron, we come together and challenge each other in our thinking.

IBC plan is independently structured to meet our client’s needs; where our governance guidelines will not allow us to stray from the core values of the Nelson Nash Institute.

Infinite Banking Practitioners

what are the next steps?

next steps

We work closely with our infinite banking clients to help them achieve their financial goals. We offer a no obligation consulting session to understand your financial needs and provide tailored solutions. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable practitioners guides you through the process, answering any questions and addressing any concerns you may have. Our goal is to educate and empower our clients so they can make informed decisions and confidently navigate the world of infinite banking.

Take a moment to fill out this quick form and we’ll reach out to you shortly.



If you are new to the Infinite Banking Concept and would like to learn more, please visit our FAQ page.



If you are new to the Infinite Banking Concept and would like to learn more, please visit our FAQ page.

What people say?



What people say?

Scott, I want to sincerely, from the deepest depths of my heart, thank you for educating me on the reality of the financial system we currently reside in. Prior to watching this video, I did know that there was something wrong with the financial system we live in, but I could not pinpoint where exactly the problem was. That of course has now changed, and it all makes sense now. I finally understand the root cause of financial difficulties the world finds itself in thanks to you!
Usama M.
Prior to working with Don I struggled to find a financial advisor that put my financial interest above their own. Under the guidance of advisors from top tier and independent investment firms, my portfolio was stagnant at best. Since working with Don I have seen my portfolio grow in a consistently positive direction.
Brent Streeter
PMG, oshawa, ontario
Fast response to requests; well thought out opinions; keeps in touch; available; able to help me with severance pension pay-out; credible; keeps current with trends and products; publishes excellent e-mail newsletter; not “pushy”; friendly; professional.
Joe L.
Managing Director
I have been very satisfied over the years with your suggestions, advice and expert knowledge of your company services. When we have needed short-term loans the details were handled quickly and accurately and yes you may use my name as reference and may mark us as satisfied clients.
Russ L.
David, I am impressed with your knowledge of the products your company sells also the fact that after you explain them you do not force me to buy them with high pressure sales talk. I appreciate your practice of arranging an appointment convenient to me for our regular review. You arrive totally prepared and familiar with my file so that the time we send together is efficient and productive.
Jason B.
Managing Director
I have dealt with Dave Otto for over 10 years in the areas of group insurance, life insurance, disability insurance and financial planning. I have always found Dave to be very professional and knowledgeable. Dave is very accessible and does not to hesitate to seek third-party advice when required. I truly feel that Dave holds the needs of his clients above his own. I have no hesitation in recommending Dave to others.
Dolph B.

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